BUSSAU, Elizabeth Faith (née MacGillivray)

Born on May 3, 1941. Passed away January 16, 2025.

Elizabeth passed away peacefully at home, aged 83 years.

Loving wife of Jim (dec).

Loved mother of Lindsay and Andrew.

Funeral Notice
Mildura Seventh-day Adventist Church 301 Deakin Avenue, Mildura Vic 3500View Map

Family and friends of the late Mrs. Elizabeth Bussau are respectfully informed that her funeral service will be conducted at the Seventh-day Adventist Church, Deakin Avenue, Mildura on Friday, January 24, 2025, at 10.00am.

At the conclusion of the service the cortege will proceed to the Red Cliffs Lawn Cemetery, Millewa Road, Red Cliffs.


View Elizabeth's Funeral Service here (please note there are two separate recordings Part 1 and Part 2)
  1. Beautiful Elizabeth, you are gone. I am so sad.

    You were a woman of substance, kind and humble.

    It was a beautiful story of two good human beings, you and Jim.

    The legacy of your good work and that of Jim lives on through your equally good children and grandchildren. Two highly functional generations from the foundation set by you and Jim.

    It has been a blessing for my husband and I that our lives crossed yours, Elizabeth and Jim.

    Loving you always.


    Nalenie Ramjaun January 17, 2025
  2. Elizabeth you were my rock and my guide for so many years I will never forget your wisdom and encouragement I will miss you greatly and I am beyond sad that I will get to talk to you again

    Holly Lusher January 17, 2025
  3. Rest well Liz – Cathie and Phil Croker x

    Cathie Croker January 24, 2025